Friday, December 06, 2024

Christmas Pageant !

Practice/Rehearsals will take place on: Thursdays (December 5th, 12th, and 19th) at 4PM Sundays (December 8th and 15th) at 11AM and on Saturday December 21st at 10AM Please reach out to Joan Skorupski if you have questions, and if you would like your child to be in the pageant but have not yet learned what their role is. Thank you!

Cookie Walk

Dec. 22 following the services. Support our ECW with donations of homemade goofies to sell as well as going home with a box of treats!

Chorus of Communities

Sunday, December 15th at 4PM the Chorus of Communities will hold their Annual Christmas Concert and Reception here at Grace Church. The concert will feature selections from Handel’s Messiah along with other joyful holiday classics. Grace Church has received several complimentary tickets to share with our community. Please contact the Parish Office if you would like to have a FREE ticket to the event (while supplies last).

Honoring the ministry of Randy and Cindy Svane

Join the Grace Church community on Sunday December 15th as we honor and celebrate the ministry and presence of Randy and Cindy Svane over the last decade in our parish.

Thursday, December 05, 2024

Monthly Focused Food Drives

In December we will focus on supporting the ministry of North Porch. North Porch, a ministry founded by parishes in the Episcopal Diocese of Newark, provides support for infants and their mothers in our communities. Please join in helping mothers and infants in our communities by donating Baby Diapers and Baby Wipes this month as our parish “Food Bank Focus” at Grace Church. Our parish will also donate 50% of all offerings collected at the worship services on Christmas Eve and Day to North Porch.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Advent Bible Study: The Mothers of God Exploring the Women in Matthew’s Genealogy of Jesus Christ.

Advent is a time when we recall the outlandish story of God working in our world throughout history; as we look forward to Jesus’ promised return in the future. The Good News according to Matthew begins with a genealogy of “God with us” including quick references to times God worked through unlikely people. Five women are named in Jesus’ lineage: Tamar, a widow; Rahab, a prostitute; Ruth, a foreigner; Bathsheba [the wife of Uriah], a victim; and of course Mary, a virgin. Our Advent Bible Study will explore the stories of these five women and how they played a pivotal role in God's plan for the salvation of the world. Wednesdays at 10:30AM (in person) and 7:30PM (via Zoom) meeting on December 4, 11, 18, and January 8.

Friday, November 01, 2024

We're moving Sunday Services to YouTube.

Our tech team is currently migrating our system to a platform via the Grace Church Nutley Channel on YouTube. Details coming as soons as the platform is up and running. We apologize for any inconvenience, and look forward to a resolution soon!

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Prison Ministry Holiday Gift & Toy Drive - Dec 1 & 8

We are collecting new gifts and toys for infants thorugh high school students for children and youth whose families are impacted by incarceration. Collection dates are Dec 1 and Dec. 8. Gifts should be place in gift bags (no wrapping paper please). Donation of $20 -$25 Walmart and Target cards are appreciated. Gift cards need to be seperate from any other presents.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Monthly Pizza and Prayer

We have an exciting and NEW opportunity this year for children and their families of our parish to eat, play, and worship together each month. This service begins by making pizzas together in our kitchen, then joining in a craft, game, or mission activity while it bakes. Once we’ve eaten our pizza we will join together for a brief service from the Book of Common Prayer (called Compline). September 18th will be our first monthly service of the year.

Weekday Morning Prayer

All are invited to attend our Services of Morning Prayer, Monday through Friday at 8AM, in the church sanctuary.

Friday, August 09, 2024

Comming this Fall - Grace Diners Club

Beginning this Autumn you will have the opportunity to get to know members of your Grace Church family a little better over dinner once a month. The Grace Diners Club is open to everyone: singles, couples, families - EVERYONE! More information will be available in the coming weeks - reach out to Kristin and David with questions or to sign up you and/or your family.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Altar Flower Memorials and Thanksgivings 2024

Fill request froms can be completed and place in the alms baisin or brought to the church office. Your check for $50.00 can be submitted on or near that date. Sanctuary Candles can be offered as well for $20.

Friday, January 05, 2024

Community Care Kitchen - help needed

The Community Care Kitchen serves melas on Saturdays at Vincent United Methodist Church (100 Vincent Place in Nutley. Volunteers are needed to prepare and serve meals. Call the church office for more information (973-235-1177)

Saturday, December 02, 2023

Pledging and Donating - on-line

 Grace Church now uses the Vanco company to assist with your on-line donation or pledge. Go to the church's main page to find the "Donate" button. Click here.

Friday, March 03, 2023

St. Agnes Episcopal Church (Little Falls)

St. Agnes Church's pantry is in need of toothpaste, canned meats, laundry detergent, toilet paper, bar soap and coffee. Donations can be brought to St. Agnes or the the church.

Sunday, September 05, 2021

Nutley Family Service Bureau is here to Help!

Nutley Family Service Bureau has food, clothing, case management services and counseling available for the community.

The community can call 973-542-8276 ext 200.


Additionally, please share that NFSB has a new Case Management program. This is a free advocacy service offered to families and individuals in need of assistance applying and recertifying for benefits and connecting to resources.

Thursday, September 03, 2020

Would you like to serve as a reader at services?

 We are looking for parishioners who want to participate in this important ministry of reading the Lessons, the Prayers of the People, etc. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact the Parish Office.

Monday, February 03, 2020

Discover the joy of being a Hospice Volunteer

If you have a warm heart and a listening ear, and the gift of compassion, you can make the difference in the life of a hospice patient or family member. Barnabas Hospital is offering training for all individuals interested in volunteering. The training is held on  April 15, 22, and 29 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at St. Barnabas hospice, 80 main Street, W.O. You must attend all three sessions.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Help bring joy to our homebound or someone celebrating a special occasion!

We deliver bouquets of flowers form the altar arrangements following the second service to parishioners to let them know we hold them in prayer. It's takes only a few minutes to bring flowers to a person's doorstep, brightening their entire day. We work with a rota, so you can let us know when you are available to assist. 
Call the church office to volunteer.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Support the Animal Shelter

Donations of pet food is appreciated in support of local animal shelters/programs. Donations may be left in the church narthex. All help is appreciated!